Monday, June 6, 2011

Biography of Al Razi (865-925) - The Chemists

Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi or recognized as Rhazes in the West is one of Iran's science expert who lived between the years 864-930. He was born in Rayy, Tehran on H./865 in 251 and died in 313 H/925.

At the beginning of life, al-Razi was so interested in art music. However, al-Razi also interested in many other sciences, so most of his life was spent to study sciences such as chemistry, philosophy, logic, mathematics and physics. [Read Indonesian]

Although in the end he was known as a medical expert such as Ibn Sina, al-Razi in the first place is a chemist. According to a history that is quoted by Nasr (1968), al-Razi left the world of chemistry because of his eyesight began to blur due to experimental-chemistry experiments that meletihkannya and armed with an extensive knowledge of their chemical and then pursue the medical-medicine, which seemed to interest him in his youth.

He said that a patient who has recovered from his illness was caused by a chemical reaction response contained in the patient's body. In a relatively fast, he founded the hospital in Rayy, one of the famous hospital as a center for research and medical education.? Some time later, he is also believed to lead the hospital in Baghdad.

Some western scientists argue that he is also the originator of modern chemistry. This is evidenced by the results of the paper and the findings of experiments.

Al-Razi has successful to provide complete information from some chemical reactions as well as descriptions and designs more than twenty instruments for chemical analysis. Al-Razi to give a simple description chemistry and rational. As a chemist, he was the first people which capable of producing sulfuric acid and some other acids and use of alcohol for fermentation of sweet substances.

Several scientific papers in the field of chemistry which he create, namely:
  1. Kitab al Asrar, who discusses the technique of handling chemical substances and their benefits.
  2. Liber Experimentorum, Ar-Razi discussed the division of substances into the animals, plants and minerals, which became the forerunners of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
  3. Sirr al-Asrar :
    • Science and the search for drugs rather than a source of plants, animals and minerals, as well as its symbol and the best type for each one to be used in treatment.
    • Science and equipment are essential for chemistry and pharmacy.
    • Science and the seven ordinances as well as chemical techniques involving the processing of mercury, sulfur (sulfur), arsenic and other metals such as gold, silver, copper, lead, and iron.
According to HG Wells (the famous western scholars), Muslim scientists are the first group mengasas chemistry. So no wonder if they have developed the chemistry for nine centuries started from the eighth century BC.

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