Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Biography of Abul Wafa - The Mathematicians Genius

Muslim mathematicians phenomenal in the golden era of Islam was not only Al-Khwarizmi. In the 10th century AD, Islamic civilization is also a mathematician who once had no less powerful than Khwarizmi. Muslim mathematician whose name is somewhat less familiar sounds were named Abul Wafa Al-Buzjani. "He is one of the greatest mathematicians who have the Islamic civilization," said Mr. History of Science, George Sarton in his book titled Introduction to the History of Science. [Read Indonesian]

Abul Wafa was a versatile scientist. In addition to good in the field of mathematics, he was renowned as a famous engineer and astronomer of his time.

Gait and recognized his thinking in the sciences of Western civilization. As a form of recognition for his services to develop astronomy, astronomy organization mengabadikannya world became the name of one crater month. In the field of mathematics, Abul Wafa also contributed very much important for the development of science that count.

"Abul Wafa was the greatest mathematician in the 10th century AD," said Kattani. Imagine. Throughout his life, the science of employees have rendered a series of important innovations gave birth to the science of mathematics. He was recorded to write a critique of the idea Eucklid, Diophantos and Al-Khwarizmi's treatise has been lost unfortunately. The scientist had bequeathed the Book of Al-Us (Complete Book) which deals with arithmetic (arithmetic) practical. Other contributions are not less important in mathematics is the Book of Al-Handasa who reviewed the application of geometry. He also made ​​a large contribution in developing trigonometry.

Abul Wafa was recorded as the first mathematician who coined the general formula sinus. In addition, the mathematicians also sparked a new method to form the sinus table. He also confirmed the value of sine 30 degrees to where desimel eighth. Even more impressive again, Abul Wafa make a special study of tangent and compute a tangent table.

If you ever studied mathematics would never know the term secan and co secan. Apparently, Abul Wafa was the first to introduce a mathematical term that is very important. Abu Wafa was known to be a genius in the field of geometry. He was able completion of geometry issues with very agile.

Fruit thinking in mathematics is very influential in the Western world. In the 19th century AD, Baron Carra de Vaux had taken a coined the concept secan Abul Wafa. Unfortunately, in the Islamic world in fact his name is rarely heard. Almost never, Islamic civilization history lesson that is taught in the country to review and introduce the figure and thought of fruit Abul Wafa. How ironic.

Indeed, all-around scientist named Abu al-Wafa Muhammad Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yahya Ibn Ismail Ibn Abbas al-Buzjani. He was born in Buzjan, Khurasan (Iran) on June 10, 940/328 H. He studied mathematics from his uncle named Abu Omar al-Maghazli and Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ataba. Meanwhile, the science of geometry known from Abu Yahya al-Marudi and Abu al-Ala 'Ibn Karnib.

Abul Wafa grew up in the era of awakening of a new Muslim dynasty that ruled Iran in the region. Buwaih Dynasty named it the Persian power in the region - Iran and Iraq, in the year 945 until 1055 AD Buwaih Sultanate flag stuck in between periods of transition of power from Arabic to Turkish. Dynasty derived from Turkish tribes were able to overthrow the rule of the Abbasid dynasty centered in Baghdad at the time of Ahmad Buyeh leadership.

Buwaih Dynasty moved the capital city of Baghdad when his government to Adud Ad-Dawlah ruled from 949 until 983 AD Ad-Dawlah Adud government strongly supports and facilitates the scientists and artists.

Support is what makes Abul Wafa decided to migrate from his hometown to Baghdad. The scientists from Khurasan was then decided to dedicate himself to science in the court ad-Dawlah Adud in the year 959 AD Abul Wafa was not the only mathematician who devoted himself to science in the palace.

Another mathematician who also worked at the palace Adud ad-Dawlah among others, Al-Quhi and Al-Sijzi. In the year 983 AD, a succession of leadership in Buwaih Dynasty. Adyd ad-Dawlah replaced his son called Sharaf ad-Dawlah. Just like his father, the new sultan was also strongly supports the development of mathematics and astronomy. Abul Wafa was more comfortable working in the palace.

Love of the sultan in astronomy soared when he wanted to build an observatory. Abul Wafa and his friend Al-Quhi sulatan even realize his ambition. Obser vatorium astronomy was built in the park is tana sultan in Baghdad. Abul Wafa's hard work was successful. The observatory was officially opened in June 988 AD

To observe the stars from the observatory, in particular Abul Wafa build a wall quadrant. Unfortunately, the observatory did not last long. Once Sultan Sharaf ad-Dawlah died, the observatory was then closed. A series of major works have been produced Abul Wafa during dedicated himself in the palace of the sultan Buwaih.

Some valuable books he wrote, among others; Book fima Yahtaju Ilaihi al-Kuttab wa al-Ummal min 'Ilm al-Hisab a book on arithmetic. Two copies of the book, unfortunately not complete, is now in the library of Leiden, the Netherlands and Cairo Egypt. He also wrote "Kitab al-Kamil".

In geometry, he wrote "Kitab fima Yahtaj Ilaih as-Suna’ fi ‘Amal al-Handasa". The book was written for the specific request of the Caliph Baha 'ad-Dawla. The copies are in libraries Mosque Aya Sofya, Istanbul. Kitab al-Majesti book by Abul Wafa was the most famous of all the books he wrote. The copies are also incomplete national library is now stored in Paris, France.

Unfortunately, in her treatise on criticism of the ideas of Euclid, Diophantus and al-Khwarizmi was destroyed and lost. Really modern civilization owes to Abul Wafa. The results of research and his work is inscribed in a line of books gives a very significant influence to the development of science, especially trigonometry and astronomy.

The greatest mathematician in the 10th century it was closed on July 15, the age of 998 in Baghdad, Iraq. However, the results of his work and his thinking is still alive.

Eternal in Moon Crater
Abul Wafa was phenomenal. Although in the modern Islamic world his name was not too well known, but in the West figures it is very shiny. No wonder, if the Muslim scientists were so honored and respected. Western people still call it by name Abul Wafa. To respect the devotion and dedication in developing astronomical name was immortalized in the crater of the moon.

Among a series of Muslim scholars and scientists who have the Islamic civilization, only 24 characters are immortalized in the crater of the moon and has received recognition from the International Astronomical Organization (IAU). Of the 24 officially recognized Muslim leader IAU as the name of the moon crater gradually in the 20th century AD, between the years 1935, 1961, 1970 and 1976. one of them Abul Wafa.

Most, Muslim scientists in the crater adadikan month with the Western nickname. Abul Wafa was one of the scientists who just caught in the crater at the moon with the original name. Crater months Abul Wafa 1:00 coordinates located in the East, East 116.60. The diameter of the moon crater Abul Wafa reach 55 km in diameter. The depth of the crater that month of 2.8 km.

Location months Abul Wafa crater located near the equator of the moon. Located adjacent to the crater sepasangang Ctesibius and Heron in the east. In the south-west of the moon crater Abul Wafa there Vesalius crater and in the northeast there is a larger moon crater named King. That world of modern astronomy recognize service and contributions as an astronomer at the X. century

Mathematics ala Abul Wafa
One of the biggest service provided by Abul Wafa for the study of mathematics is trigonometry. Trigonometry comes from the word trigonon = three angles and metro = measure. This is is a branch of mathematics dealing with angles triangles and trigonometric functions sinus, cosinus, dan tangen.

Trig has a relationship with the geometry, although there is disagreement about what to do, for some, trigonometry is a part of geometry. In trigonometry, Abul Wafa has introduced the tangent function and improved methods of calculating trigonometry tables. He also said to solve a number of problems relating to spherical triangles.

In particular, Abul Wafa successfully prepared formula that became the identity of trigonometry. This is the formula that generates it:
sin(a + b) = sin(a)cos(b) + cos(a)sin(b)
cos(2a) = 1 - 2sin2(a)
sin(2a) = 2sin(a)cos(a)
In addition, Abul Wafa also managed to establish a formula for the parabolic geometry, namely :
x4 = a and x4 + ax3 = b.
Important formulas is just a piece of Abul Wafa result of thinking that still survive. His ability to create new mathematical formulas to prove that Muslim mathematicians Abul Wafa was a very genius.

Read More ~ Biography of Abul Wafa - The Mathematicians Genius

Monday, June 6, 2011

Biography of Raja Ali Haji

Raja Ali Haji (RAH) is a powerful and important figure in the Malay world. His influential thoughts on the development of Malay world are very evident through his literary works and other, all of which become the main reference for the modern and classical writing tradition. He is known as an Ulama (religious thinker) contributing to the creation of new discourse and critical tradition in the Malay world as well. Below is the biography of RAH.

1. Biography
The full name of Raja Ali Haji is Raja al-Hajj bin Raja Ahmad al-Hajj bin Raja Haji Fisabilillah bin Opu Daeng Celak alias Engku Haji Ali bin Engku Haji Ahad Riau. He was born in 1808 A.D. in the Riau-Lingga Sultanate in Panyengat Island (now Riau Islands , Indonesia ).

There was a short story of Panyengat Island . In the book published by the Dutch, this small island was called “Mars.” By the inhabitants, it was called Indera Sakti (The Sacred Senses) as their admiration for Panyengat Island . A lot of Malay literature works and material cultures were written by Malay intellectual figures including RAH.

The date of his birth is different from his father, Raja Ahmad, that was stated in meticulous detail, on Thursday evening, Rajab 1193 Hijriyah (The Islamic calendar) in the palace of Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau, Raja Haji bin Daeng Celak. Otherwise, the birth of RAH is merely an estimation. Hasan Junus (2002: 62) states that the different era and atmosphere had led to the different cultural spirit of the time. This cultural spirit caused the common people called RAH by “Raja” (literally means King).

Malay people tend to remember the date of their children's birth by relating to the momentous occasion. For instant, RAH was born five years after Panyengat Island was changed into the residence of Engku Puteri. In other words, he was born two years after the Portuguese fortress, A-Famosa that was located in Malacca, was destroyed under the command of William Farquhar. The Malay people habitually give the name for their children by taking datuk (Grandfather) if their grandfathers have died. Consequently, the names of Malay people tend to be the same each other.

The date of RAH's death is still being debated as there are some sources stating that he died in 1872 A.D. However, there are other facts rejecting this public views. On December 31 st , 1872 A.D., he wrote a letter to his best friend named Herman Von De Wall, a Dutch cultural expert who died at Tanjung Pinang in 1873 A.D. Thus, we may conclude that RAH died at Panyengat Island in 1873 A.D.

Raja Ali Haji was buried in Engku Putri Raja Hamidah graveyard, outside of the main building. One of his masterpieces, Gurindam Dua Belas, has been intentionally carved on his tombstone so that everyone visiting his tomb can read it.
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2. The Family Tree
Raja Ali Haji was the son of Raja Ahmad, who was titled Engku Haji Tua after accomplishing the pilgrimage to Mecca . He was the grandson of Raja Ali Haji Fisabilillah. His mother was Encik Hamidah binti Panglima Malik Selangor or Putri Selangor who died on August 5 th , 1844 A.D.

His grandfather, Raja Haji Fisabilillah, was the fourth Yang Dipertuan Muda (YDM) Riau. He successfully created the Riau-Lingga Sultanate as a significant trade centre in this area. He was a hero who bravely fought against the Dutch, thus he died in Ketapang Gulf on June 18 th , 1784 A.D. He left two children, Raja Ahmad (RAH's father) and Raja Ja'far.

Raja Ahmad was known as a Muslim scholar who was productive in producing masterpiece such as Syair Perjalanan Engku Putri ke Lingga (1835 A.D.), Syair Raksi (1843 A.D.), Syair Perang Johor (1843 A.D.). He was also famous as a cultural expert, especially in history. In his work, Syair Perang Johor, he explains the fact of war in Johor and the Sultanate of Aceh in the 17 th century, when the Johor Kingdom was in the golden age. His works inclined to discuss the relationship between the history of Bugis in Malay areas with the Malayan Sultans.

Raja Ali Haji grew up among the intellectual people who care in the authorship. It were Raja Ahmad Engku Haji Tua, Raja Ali Daud, Raja Salehah, Raja Abdul Mutallib, Raja Kalsum, Raja Safiah, Raja Sulaiman, Raja Hasan, Hitam Khalid, Aisyah Sulaiman, Raja Ahmad Tabib, Raja Haji Umar, Abu Muhammad Adnan, who were included into the family of Raja Ali Haji who had produced some great works. In-depth analysis of his family tree to Raja Ali Haji Fisabilillah will show that Raja Ali, Raja Abdullah, Raja Ali Kelana, and R.H.M Said were also counted as his family that was famous as a hard worker family.

From his father, Raja Ahmad, RAH had some brothers and sisters such as Raja Haji Daud, recognized as tabib or physician, Raja Haji Umar or Raja Endut, Raja Saleha/ Zaleha, Raja Cik, Raja Aisyah, Raja Haji Abdullah, Raja Ishak, Raja Muhammad Said, Raja Abu Bakar, Raja Siti, Raja Abdul Hamid, and Raja Usman.

Raja Ali Haji was a Bugis descendant from his grandmother named Opu Daeng Celak, who lived in Riau and got the position as Yang Dipertuan Agung (The Sultan's Assistant for the Governmental Administration). It was La Madusilat, the first Muslim King of Bugis, who actually had a descendant named Daeng Rilaka.

Daeng Rilaka had five children, Opu Daeng Parani, Opu Daeng Marewah, Opu Daeng Menambun, Opu Daeng Celak, and Opu Daeng Kemasi. Daeng Rilaka left Bugis, wandering to the Sultanate of Riau-Johor with her children. Those got privilege position in the sultanate. Opu Daeng Celak, the fourth children of Daeng Rilaka and the grandmother of RAH, was inaugurated as the Second Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau (1728 A.D. – 1745 A.D.). She replaced the position of her sibling named Opu Daeng Marewah, the First Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau (1723 A.D. – 1728 A.D.).

The position was the realization of an agreement between the Riau-Lingga Sultanate and the King of Bugis conquering Minangkabau. There was a war between Minangkabau Kingdom and the Sultanate of Malay at the time. Therefore, RAH was a descendent of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate that was known for having a deeply religious and scientific tradition.

Raja Ali Haji had 17 children, Raja Haji Hasan, Raja Mala', Raja Abdur Rahman, Raja Abdul Majid, Raja Salamah, Raja Kaltsum, Raja Ibrahim Kerumung, Raja Hamidah, Raja Engku Awan – the mother of Raja Kaluk, Raja Khadijah, Raja Mai, Raja Cik, Raja Muhammad Daeng Menambon, Raja Aminah, Raja Haji Salman Engku Bih, Raja Siah, and Raja Engku Amdah.

he first son of Raja Ali Haji, Raja Haji Hasan, had 12 children, Raja Haji Abdullah Hakim, Raja Khalid Hitam (he died in Japan ), Raja Haji Abdul Muthallib, Raja Mariyah, Raja Manshur, Raja Qamariyah, Raja Haji Umar, Raja Haji Andi, Raja Abdur Rasyid, Raja Kaltsum, Raja Rahah, and Raja Amimah. All of his children were noticed as great scholar and notable figure.
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3. Education
Raja Ali Haji received his basic education from his father. In addition, he got education from some famous figures in the Riau-Lingga Sultanate in Panyengat Island . There were many prominent scholars such as Habib Sheikh as-Saqaf, Sheikh Ahmad Jabarti, Sheikh Ismail bin Abdullah al-Minkabawi, and Sheikh Abdul Ghafur bin Abbas al-Manduri, who came to Panyengat Island to teach and study.

The Riau-Lingga Sultanate was famous as the centre of Malay culture that actively developed some sectors such as religion, language and literature. As Raja Ali Haji belonged to the sultanate family, he got a big chance to achieve education from prominent scholars coming to Panyengat Island . He had the same basic education as other people at his age but he had a brilliant thought. For another level of his education, he also learned the holy qur'an, hadith, and other Islamic knowledge.

Raja Ali Haji attained education from the out side of the Sultanate area. When he was in Betawi along with his father and his group in 1822 A.D., he used the occasion as a moment to learn, deepening his knowledge. He learned Arabic and the Islamic knowledge during his pilgrimage in 1828 A.D. That is why, they were noticed as the first Riau nobles accomplishing pilgrimage to Mecca . He had also ever taken a journey to Egypt after visiting Mecca when he was young.

He used almost all his time to improve the Islamic knowledge when he was in Mecca . His Islamic knowledge showed the enormous improvement. He acquired knowledge of Arabic and Islamic cases from a prominent scholar named Sheikh Daud bin Abdullah al-Fatani who was noticed as a noble ulama by Malay people in Mecca. He made a close friendship with the son of sheikh Muhammad Arsyad bin Abdullah al-Banjari named sheikh Syihabuddin bin Syeikh Muhammad Arsyad bin Abdullah al-Banjari.
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4. Working Experience
He held the significant post of the state administration when he was a young. In thirty, he went to every part of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate's areas, even to the hinterland, following his brother, Raja Ali bin Ja'far. It was planned to check those areas. He also helped his brother who became the vice of Yang Dipertuan Muda in the Riau-Lingga Sultanate.

When he was 32 years old, Raja Ali Haji and Raja Ali bin Ja'far, was relied on to hold the authority of Lingga to help Sultan Mahmud Muzaffar Syah who was too young. At the time, he would not like to designate someone to be the Yang Dipertuan Muda, replacing Marhum Kampung Bulan. On June 26 th , 1844 A.D., or on Wednesday, Jumadilakhir 9 th , 1260 H (The Islamic calendar), he filed a petition supporting Raja Ali bin Ja'far to be the Yang Dipertuan Muda of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate. People supporting Raja Ali bin Ja'far singed the petition published by Raja Ali Haji.

On the time when Raja Ali bin Ja'far was inaugurated as the eighth Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau in 1845 A.D, Raja Ali Haji was promoted as the religious advisor of the Sultanate. Though he was trusted to hold a fundamental duty, he was able to be professional by productively writing on language, literature and culture.

Together with Raja Abdullah Mursyid and Raja Ali bin Ja'far, he did commercial enterprises in Karimun Island and Kundur Island and managed the tin mining. When The Eighth Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau, Raja Ali bin Ja'far, was replaced by Raja Haji Abdullah Mursyid, RAH and Raja Ali bin Ja'far established a foundation named “Ahlul halli wa Aqdi” to encourage the governmental administration of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate.

In 1858 A.D., Raji Haji Abdullah Mursyid bore a testament sounding that RAH would hold the enforcement of law including the Islamic jurisprudence. He headed the group of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate visiting Belanga Bay to attend the inauguration of Johor Regent named Abu Bakar as the king of Johor on May 7 th , 1868 A.D. The position on the law administrative officer was held until his death in 1873 A.D.
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5. National and International Activities
5.1. The Journey to Betawi
He was known for having close family ties with his father, Raja Ahmad. In 1822 A.D, Raja Ahmad led his group for having a journey to Betawi, followed by his wife, Raja Muhammad and Raja Ali Haji for about three months. The journey was aimed to set the cooperation with the Dutch in commercial and research programs. The group would hold a meeting with the Governor of the Dutch, Godart Alexander Gerad Philip Baron van der Capellen. The group departed from Riau by penjajab, a kind of traditional ship, and the other used the conventional ship. The trip was started from Riau, stopped for a moment in Lingga Island then was continued through Bangka Strait.

This rare occasion was effectively used by RAH to improve his erudition. He had ever met General Governor Godart Alexander Gerard Philip Baron van der Capellen who cordially welcomed the group of Raja Ahmad in the residence of the Dutch Governor. He also formed friendship with the Dutch people who were able to speak Malay language. In Bogor, his group attended the art performances such as opera and had a meeting with a prominent scholar named Sayid Abdur Rahman al-Mashri.

The historical record and the wonderful experience of RAH were written on his book, Tuhfat al-Nafis. At least there were two incredible experience of RAH during his visit to Betawi. First , his occasion to watch the opera in the Schouwburg Building (now Jakarta Art Building ) with the concavity architecture. Second, his meeting with Christiaan van Angelbeek, the official interpreter for the Dutch Indigenous Administration Council.

In the 19 th century, there were two buildings that were frequently used to held art performances in Betawi, the Schouwburg Building and the Societet Concordia Building . However, he could not see any art performance taken place in the Societet Concordia Building as it was built after the attendance of his group to Betawi in 1833 A.D. The Societet de Harmonie Building, another name of the Schouwburg Building, was erected in 1815 A.D. with the capacity building was around 250 people with rumbia roof. By Deandles, it was functioned as gallery space. However, it was refurbished in 1821 A.D. then was used as theatrical building with 1.476 meters square called Schouwburg.

The truth about where the group of Raja Ahmad stayed, watching all of the art show in Betawi had ever been a debate. There were two parts with different point of views. The first one supported the statement that the group of Raja Ahmad was in the Schouwburg Building and the other one was on the contrary, Raja Ahmad's group was in the Societet de Harmonie Building. In Tuhfat al-Nafis , it says “ Syahdan pada satu malam datang panggil Gubernur Jenderal segala anak raja utusan itu; yang disuruhnya yaitu Sayid Hasan. Maka pergilah sekalian utusan itu. Maka lalulah dibawanya kepada satu rumah main wayang, Holanda, kata orang namanya wayang komedi, dan sifat rumahnya itu lekuk ke dalam tanah.... ” (One night, came an envoy named Sayid Hasan and his entire group member to the art building named Holanda. Most people called it by Komidi Holanda which had a concavity architecture). As a consequence, we may conclude that Raja Ahmad's group and RAH attended the art performances taken place in the Schouwburg Building , not in the Societet de Harmonie Building.

In 1826 A.D, Raja Ali Haji went along with his father to the northern coast of Java Island. It was intended to collect the fund to accomplish the pilgrimage by doing commercial enterprise. He felt in sick, even he went into coma in Juana sub-district. His father, Raja Ahmad, had ever bought for him a coffin as RAH was assumed for had been died. However, he got well immediately for the enormous God's boon.

5.2. The Journey to Mecca
As stated above, he went along with the group of the Riau-Lingga Sultanate to accomplish the pilgrimage headed by his father, Raja Ahmad. On March 5 th, 1828 A.D. or Sya'ban 18 th, 1243 H, they arrived in Jeddah. Since his pilgrimage, Raja Ahmad was commonly called Engku Haji Tua while his son, Raja Ali Haji was called Raja Ali Haji. During his journey to Mecca, he gained much profound knowledge for his life and his intellectual development.

He was noticed as a prominent scholar after his back from the pilgrimage. During the tenure of his brother, Raja Ali bin Ja'far or the eighth Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau (1845 A.D. – 1857 A.D.) who replaced his brother named Raja Abdur Rahman bin Raja haji, the Seventh Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau (1833 A.D. – 1845 A.D.), RAH was asked for teaching the Islamic knowledge in the Riau-Lingga Sultanate family. Moreover, Raja Ali bin Ja'far was also in his class.

He was a significant person for every Islamic case. He answered all of the Islamic problems patiently when he was asked for those. He was noted as an expert on religion, literature, language, history, law and state administration. He teached Arabic including nahwu (Arabic grammar) and sharaf (Arabic morpheme) , ushuluddin (The foundation of Islam), fiqih (The Islamic law) and tasawuf (The Islamic mysticism). Raja Haji Abdullah, the ninth Yang Dipertuan Muda Riau (1857 A.D. – 1858 A.D.) and Sheikh bin Ahmad al-Hadi were some of notable scholars that were noted as RAH's students.

5.3. Writing Experience
He took a great concern on writing, especially in literature when he was fourty. Among the other poets in the Riau-Lingga Sultanate, Johor and Pahang he was noted as the most productive one. Most of his works are regarded as valuable references for linguists including foreigners or domestics people.

This is just a short portrayal of his writing experience that was started from 1846 A.D. when he wrote Gurindam Dua Belas ( Tijdschrift van het Bataviaasch Genootschap II in Dutch language) , which was published by E. Netscher in 1854 A.D. Another one is Bustanul Katibin that was written and published at Betawi in 1850 A.D. On April 15 th , 1857 A.D., it was carved on the stone in Panyengat Island. In the same year, Raja Ali Haji and Haji Ibrahim set cooperation with H. Von De Wall to write Malay dictionary. Still in the same year as before, he had prepared a text entitled Muqaddimah fi Intizam al-Wazaif al-Mulk Khususan ila Maulana wa Shahibina Yang Dipertuan Muda Raja Ali al-Mudabbir lil Biladi al-Riauwiyah wa Sairi Dairatihi ( The Introduction of King's Authority: The Instructions for Raja Ali Haji ). It was a short essay that contained wazifah (three points) that were used for consideration in the cognizance process. In 1865 A.D., one of his works entitled Silsilah Melayu dan Bugis (The Genealogy of Melay and Bugis), Kitab Nikah (The Marriage Book), and Syair Suluh Pegawai (The Instruction for State Employee). In addition, the writing of Tuhfat al-Nafis was finished on November 25, 1866 A.D.

RAH was known for having close friendship with Hermann Von De Wall, whose full name was Hermann Theodor Friedrich Karl Emil Wilhelm August Casimir Von De Wall. He was a German born in Giessen, on March 30 th , 1807 A.D. On June 12 th , 1862 A.D, RAH suggested Von De Wall to compile the Malay dictionary that was done in 1870 A.D. In the same year, one of Raja Ali Haji's works, Bustanul Katibin, was published by H. Von De Wall as“ Kitab perkeboenan djoeroetoelis bagi kanak-kanak yang hendak menoentoet belajar akan dija ” (The Garden of the Poets for People who want to Learn Literature). By his cooperation with Von De Wall, the second edition of Tjakap-2 Rampai-2 Bahasa Malajoe Djohor was put out by Gupernemen at Betawi in 1872 A.D. On May 2 nd, 1873, Hermann Von De Wall was died. It was assumed that Raja Ali Haji died in the same year.
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6. Awards
On November 10th, 2004, Raja Ali Haji was awarded the title “National Hero” by the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. One of his works, Kitab Pengetahuan Bahasa, published in 1985 A.D. – 1986 A.D, was used as the reference of Indonesian national language since it was used in the Congress of Indonesian Youth on October 28th, 1928 A.D. The award as National Hero is properly given to Raja Ali Haji for his incredible contribution for Indonesia.

On November 10th, 2004, Raja Ali Haji was awarded the title “National Hero” by the President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. One of his works, Kitab Pengetahuan Bahasa, published in 1985 A.D. – 1986 A.D, was used as the reference of Indonesian national language since it was used in the Congress of Indonesian Youth on October 28th, 1928 A.D. The award as National Hero is properly given to Raja Ali Haji for his incredible contribution for Indonesia.

  • Abdullah, Wan Mohd. Shaghir. “Raja Ali Haji: Pujangga Melayu termasyhur”, on
  • Junus, Hasan. 2002. Raja Ali Haji: Budayawan di Gerbang Abad XX, cet. II. Pekanbaru: Unri Press.
  • “Raja Ali Haji: Magma Sastra Melayu”, on accessed on November 20, 2007.
  • Drafting Team History of Struggle Raja Ali Haji as the father of Indonesian,(Pekanbaru: Unri Press, 2004).
  • “Ulama dan Sastrawan Melayu”, on, accessed on November 21, 2007.
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Read More ~ Biography of Raja Ali Haji

Biography of Al Razi (865-925) - The Chemists

Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi or recognized as Rhazes in the West is one of Iran's science expert who lived between the years 864-930. He was born in Rayy, Tehran on H./865 in 251 and died in 313 H/925.

At the beginning of life, al-Razi was so interested in art music. However, al-Razi also interested in many other sciences, so most of his life was spent to study sciences such as chemistry, philosophy, logic, mathematics and physics. [Read Indonesian]

Although in the end he was known as a medical expert such as Ibn Sina, al-Razi in the first place is a chemist. According to a history that is quoted by Nasr (1968), al-Razi left the world of chemistry because of his eyesight began to blur due to experimental-chemistry experiments that meletihkannya and armed with an extensive knowledge of their chemical and then pursue the medical-medicine, which seemed to interest him in his youth.

He said that a patient who has recovered from his illness was caused by a chemical reaction response contained in the patient's body. In a relatively fast, he founded the hospital in Rayy, one of the famous hospital as a center for research and medical education.? Some time later, he is also believed to lead the hospital in Baghdad.

Some western scientists argue that he is also the originator of modern chemistry. This is evidenced by the results of the paper and the findings of experiments.

Al-Razi has successful to provide complete information from some chemical reactions as well as descriptions and designs more than twenty instruments for chemical analysis. Al-Razi to give a simple description chemistry and rational. As a chemist, he was the first people which capable of producing sulfuric acid and some other acids and use of alcohol for fermentation of sweet substances.

Several scientific papers in the field of chemistry which he create, namely:
  1. Kitab al Asrar, who discusses the technique of handling chemical substances and their benefits.
  2. Liber Experimentorum, Ar-Razi discussed the division of substances into the animals, plants and minerals, which became the forerunners of organic chemistry and inorganic chemistry.
  3. Sirr al-Asrar :
    • Science and the search for drugs rather than a source of plants, animals and minerals, as well as its symbol and the best type for each one to be used in treatment.
    • Science and equipment are essential for chemistry and pharmacy.
    • Science and the seven ordinances as well as chemical techniques involving the processing of mercury, sulfur (sulfur), arsenic and other metals such as gold, silver, copper, lead, and iron.
According to HG Wells (the famous western scholars), Muslim scientists are the first group mengasas chemistry. So no wonder if they have developed the chemistry for nine centuries started from the eighth century BC.
Read More ~ Biography of Al Razi (865-925) - The Chemists

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Biography of Abu Bakar As-Sidiq

Abu Bakr As-Sidiq is one of the earliest religion of Islam (assabiqunal awwalun), friend Rasullullah SAW, and also the first caliph dibaiat (appointed) by Muslims. He was born simultaneously with the birth of Prophet Muhammad saw. in 572 AD in Mecca, a descendant of Bani Taim, Quraish tribe. His real name was Abdullah Ibni Abi Quhaafah.

According to some historians of Islam, he was a merchant, a judge with a high position, an educated and believed to be the person who can interpret dreams. Under the circumstances where the belief that Prophet Muhammad taught attract more young children, the poor, the marginalized and the slaves, difficult to accept that Abu Bakr actually included in those who embraced Islam in the early period and was also successful in getting residents mecca Quraysh and others followed (embraced Islam). [Read Indonesian]

Abu Bakr means 'father of the girl', the father of the Prophet Aisha wife Muhammad's . His name is actually Abdul Kaaba (meaning 'servant of the Kaaba'), which is then converted by the Prophet to Abdullah (meaning 'servant of God'). Other sources say his name is Abdullah ibn Abu Quhafah (Abu Quhafah is Kunya or his father's nickname). As-Sidiq title (which is trusted) is given the Prophet Muhammad SAW, so he is better known as Abu Bakr as-Siddiq. As the first people who converted to Islam, the trials suffered by Abu Bakr As-Sidiq quite a lot. But he always remained faithful to accompany the Prophet and with him being the only friend moved to Medina in 622 AD

By the death of Rasullullah, Abu Bakr was appointed as the priest prays in his place. It is indicated that Abu Bakr would later replace the position of the Prophet led the congregation. After the death of Rasullullah, then through consultation between the Muhajirin and the Ansar chose Abu Bakr as the first caliph, starting Rasyidin Khulafah era. Although opposed by some Shiite Muslims because they think the Prophet never chose Ali ibn Abi Talib as his successor, but Ali ibn Abi Talib expressed loyalty and support of Abu Bakr as caliph.

Soon after becoming the Caliph, Abu Bakr affairs much preoccupied by the suppression of rebellion and streamlining the public belief that deviated after the death of the Prophet. He is fighting Al-Kazab Musailamah (Musailamah the liar), who claimed himself as a prophet, just replace the Prophet, and also to collect alms to the tribes who do not want to pay after the death of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. They thought that the Zakat is a form of tribute to Rasullullah.

After the age of rebellion and the various internal problems, he went on the mission of the Prophet Muhammad broadcast syiar Islam to the world. Abu Bakr sent people to the Byzantine and Sassanid trust as a mission of spreading the Islamic religion. Khalid bin Walid was also successful conquest of Iraq and Syria with ease.

He became caliph in a period of 2 years. Abu Bakr died on August 23, 634 in Medina. He was buried beside the tomb Rasullullah Saw. Furthermore, the position of caliph was replaced by Umar bin Khatab.
Read More ~ Biography of Abu Bakar As-Sidiq

Biography of Abu Abdirrahman Muhammad Nashiruddin bin Nuh al-Albani

His name is Abu Abdirrahman Muhammad Nashiruddin bin Nuh al-Albani. Born in the year 1333 AH in the city the capital of Albania Ashqodar ago. He raised a middle class family who never haves, because the love of science and expert knowledge. Al-Albani's father is Al Haj Noah is a graduate educational institution shari'ah sciences in the state capital of Ottoman dynasty (now Istanbul), which when King Ahmad Zagho ascended the throne in Albania and change the system of government into a secular government, then Sheikh Nuh very worried about him their families and themselves. Finally he decided to emigrate to Syria in order to save his religion and because of fear of libel exposed. He sekeluargapun to Damascus. [Read Indonesian]

On arrival in Damascus, Sheikh al-Albani small start actively studying the Arabic language. He entered school in the madrasahs run by al-Is'af Jum'iyah al-Khair. He continued to study at the school until the last grade level Ibtida'iyah. Subsequently he continued his study directly to the Sheikh. He studied the Koran from his father to complete, in addition to studying the madzab Hanafi jurisprudence as well some of his father. Sheikh al-Albani also learn skills to improve hours of his father until well advanced, so he became an expert who mahsyur.

These skills then become one of his livelihood. At the age of 20 years, the young al-Albani began concentrate ourselves on the science of hadith because pembahsan impressed with the discussion-which is in the magazine al-Manar, a magazine published by Sheikh Muhammad Rashid Rida. The first activity in this field is to copy a book titled "al-Mughni 'an al-Asfar Hamli Takhrij fi ma fi al-Ishabah min al-Akhbar. " A book of the work of al-Iraqi, in the form of hadiths takhrij contained in the Ihya 'al-Ghazali Ulumuddin.

Sheikh al-Albani activities in the field of hadith was opposed by her father as she commented. "Verily, the Science of Hadeeth are the work of people bankrupt (bankruptcy)". But Sheikh al-Albani was even more love to the world of hadith. In the next development, Sheikh al-Albani not have enough money to buy the books. Therefore, he is utilizing ADH-Dhahiriyah library there (Damascus). In addition to also borrow books from a few special libraries. Thus, the hadith became busy routine, to the extent that he closed his watch repair shop.Sheikh al-Albani activities in the field of hadith was opposed by her father as she commented. "Verily, the Science of Hadeeth are the work of people bankrupt (bankruptcy)". But Sheikh al-Albani was even more love to the world of hadith. In the next development, Sheikh al-Albani not have enough money to buy the books. Therefore, he is utilizing ADH-Dhahiriyah library there (Damascus). In addition to also borrow books from a few special libraries. Thus, the hadith became busy routine, to the extent that he closed his watch repair shop.

He is more comfortable to linger in the library of ADH-Dhahiriyah, so each day to 12 hours. It never breaks mentelaah hadith books, except if prayer time arrives. To eat, often only a few foods that are brought to the library. Finally the head office of the library provides a special room in the library for him. Even kemudiaan he was authorized to carry a library key. Thus, he became accustomed to free and comes before the others arrived. Similarly, when people return home in time dhuhur, he would come home after evening prayers. It is lived through the years.

Prison Experience
Sheikh al-Albani had been imprisoned twice. The first time one month and the second time for six months. That's not because he was preaching to the sunnah persistent and combat heresy that people who jealous of him and spread slander.

Some tasks are carried Ever
Sheikh al-Albani He has taught at Jami'ah Islamiyah (Islamic University of Medina) for three years, since the year 1381-1383 AH, teaching about the hadith and hadith sciences. After that he moved to Jordan. In 1388 H, the Ministry of Education asked the Sheikh al-Albani to be a department chairman Dirasah Islamiyah on the Graduate Faculty at a university in the kingdom of Jordan. But the mood at that time did not allow him to meet that demand. In the year 1398 H 1395 H until he returned to Medina to serve as a member of the Islamic Supreme Council Jam'iyah there. Mandapat highest award from the kingdom of Saudi Arabia King Faisal Fundation of 14 Dzulkaidah 1419 H.

Some of the works he
The works he is very much, some of which are already printed, there is still a manuscript and there are mafqud (missing), all totaling 218 titles. Some Examples of Work He is:

* Adabuz-Zifaf fi As-Sunnah al-Muthahharah
* Al-Ajwibah an-Nafi’ah ‘ala as’ilah masjid al-Jami’ah
* Silisilah al-Ahadits ash Shahihah
* Silisilah al-Ahadits adh-Dha’ifah wal maudhu’ah
* At-Tawasul wa anwa’uhu
* Ahkam Al-Jana’iz wabida’uha

In addition, he also has a lecture tapes, cassettes refutation of heretical ideas and the tapes contain the answers about the various issues that are useful. Furthermore, Sheikh al-Albani intestate for his personal library, either in the form of books that have been printed, copyan photo books, manuscripts (written by his own or someone else) were all handed over to the library Jami'ah in connection with the mission Book was headed al-Sunnah, according to the manhaj salafush Salih (companions of the Prophet radi anhum), when he became a lecturer there.

He died on Friday, Saturday night on 21 Jumada Tsaniyah 1420 H or to coincide with October 1, 1999 in Yoradania. Rahimallah ash-Shaykh al-Albani rahmatan wasi'ah jazahullahu'an wa al-Islam wal muslimiina Khaira adkhalahu fi wa an-Na'im al-Muqim.

Hadith is one of the referral sources of Islamic law in addition to the holy book the Koran. In the hadith of the Prophet Muhammad that contained the answers and solutions to problems faced by people in various walks of life. Talking about the science of hadith, Muslims will not forget the services of Al-Albani. He is one of the prominent Islamic reformers of this century.

The work and his services quite a lot and very helpful, especially Muslims in reviving the science of hadith. He is credited with purifying the Islamic teachings of the hadiths are weak and false and examining the degree of hadith.
Read More ~ Biography of Abu Abdirrahman Muhammad Nashiruddin bin Nuh al-Albani